Library Gaming-Related Panels at Comic-Con 2008

This article is from the first edition of The Video Game Librarian website I published between 2008 and 2010. It was originally written on July 16, 2008.

This year’s Comic-Con convention in San Diego will feature two panels that should be very interesting to any librarians interested in adding gaming/geekiness to their library:

Gamers in the Library?
Saturday, July 26 6:30-7:30
Room 30CDE

Did you know that at least 7 out of 10 libraries support gaming? From consoles to D20, board games to CCG’s, gaming in libraries is a hot topic. Find out about this seemingly odd combination with Kearsten LaBrozzi (Glendale Public Library, Arizona), Susan White (University of Advancing Technology), Mike Pawuk (Cuyahoga County Public Library), and Merideth Jenson-Benjamin (Glendale Public Library, Arizona). Hear about successful programs, learn pitfalls to avoid, and find out why gamers in the library are here to stay.

Graphic Novel Help in Libraries
Sunday, July 27, 11:30-12:30
Room 3

Graphic novel collections are booming in libraries. How can a librarian manage when there seems to be a new “must have” title coming out every week? Jill Patterson (La Habra Branch Library) Merideth Jenson-Benjamin (Glendale Public Library), John Shableski (Diamond), and Hillary W. Chang (McCully-Moiliili Public Library) discuss practical ways for librarians to survive their graphic novel collection.

San Diego Comic-Con 2008 will be held from July 24th through the 27th.